

Elbow Pain Explained: Tennis Elbow vs. Golfer's Elbow - Understanding and Treating Elbow Conditions

Published November 28th, 2023 by

Elbow pain is a common issue that can affect anyone, regardless of age or activity level. Two prevalent conditions causing elbow pain are tennis elbow and golfer's elbow. At Back to Health Chiropractic in Santa Clarita, CA, led by Dr. Carolyn Griffin, we specialize in diagnosing and treating these conditions, offering patients effective and non-invasive solutions.

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Tennis elbow primarily affects the outer part of the elbow and is often linked to repetitive wrist and forearm movements. Despite its name, it's not limited to tennis players and can result from various activities like typing, gardening, or any task involving gripping and twisting.

Symptoms: The condition typically presents with pain and tenderness on the outer side of the elbow, which may worsen over time. Weakness in gripping objects and discomfort during wrist extension are common, with pain potentially radiating down the forearm.

Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

Golfer's elbow, in contrast, affects the inner part of the elbow. It results from repetitive movements that stress the tendons on the inner side of the forearm. While golfing can lead to this condition, it can also arise from activities like lifting weights or excessive tool use.

Symptoms: This condition usually causes pain and tenderness on the inner side of the elbow, along with weakness in the wrist and difficulty gripping objects. Pain may also radiate down the forearm.

Diagnosing Tennis and Golfer's Elbow

Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination by a healthcare provider, who may apply pressure to specific areas to pinpoint the pain source. Imaging tests like X-rays or MRI scans might be used to rule out other issues.

Treatment Options

Rest and Activity Modification: Initially, treatment involves resting the affected arm and avoiding exacerbating activities. Changes to work or sports routines may be necessary.

Physical Therapy: Exercises to strengthen and stretch the forearm muscles can aid recovery.

Bracing and Support: Wearing a brace or splint can alleviate strain on the tendons and promote healing.

Medications and Corticosteroid Injections are a last ditch effort that we do not recommend due to side effects and invasive nature.

SoftWave Therapy at Back to Health Chiropractic

For those seeking a non-invasive treatment, SoftWave Therapy offers significant benefits. 

This advanced therapy uses electrohydraulic supersonic acoustic waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, increasing blood flow, promoting tissue repair, and reducing inflammation.


SoftWave Therapy is particularly effective for persistent cases of tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, providing a non-surgical option for pain relief and healing. 

It targets the root causes of these conditions, addressing damaged tendons and promoting regeneration!

Dr. Carolyn Griffin's Comprehensive Care Approach

At Back to Health Chiropractic, we understand that each case of elbow pain is unique. Dr. Carolyn Griffin and her team offer personalized care plans, combining SoftWave Therapy with other treatments to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

If you're experiencing elbow pain and seeking a holistic, non-invasive solution, contact us at Back to Health Chiropractic in Santa Clarita, CA. Discover the benefits of SoftWave Therapy and our comprehensive approach to elbow pain management.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 661-250-1517. Let us help you find relief from elbow pain and regain your active lifestyle.

Book a SoftWave session HERE!

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